Silent Pool Gin Delight

Savor the rich elegance of a Silent Pool Gin Delight, expertly crafted with the exceptional Silent Pool Gin. Experience a harmonious blend of botanicals in this luxurious cocktail delight.

Silent Pool Gin Delight

Indulge in the rich and luxurious flavors of Silent Pool Gin, Mozart Dry Chocolate Liqueur, and cream in this delightful cocktail.

4.72 from 33 votes
Cook Time 7 mins
Total Time 7 mins


  • 1.70 oz Silent Pool Gin
  • 0.85 oz Mozart Dry Chocolate Liqueur
  • 1.70 oz Single cream
  • 0.50 oz Gomme syrup


  1. Shake all ingredients together with cubed ice
  2. Double strain into a chilled coupette glass
  3. Grate nutmeg and chocolate on top