Black Velvet Elegance

This classic cocktail, named Black Velvet Elegance, combines the full-bodied richness of stout beer with the delicate effervescence of dry sparkling wine. The unlikely yet harmonious marriage of these two distinct beverages has stood the test of time. For those who prefer a touch of sweetness, a barspoon of sugar syrup can be added to enhance the flavors.

Black Velvet Elegance

A classic, harmonious blend of stout beer and dry sparkling wine, with an optional hint of sweetness.

4.20 from 11 votes
Prep Time 2 mins
Total Time 2 mins


  • 2.50 oz Stout Beer
  • 2.50 oz Brut Champagne


  1. Chill the glass before use.
  2. Slowly pour the stout beer and brut champagne into the chilled glass.